Sunday, 31 May 2009

Burmese Breakfast Videos by Meemalee and Wagaung

An interesting video set showing authentic Burmese Restaurant and Cafe breakfast foods - thanks to Meemalee and Wagaung.

Video Concept List:
80th & 35th St Mandalay, 82nd & 35th St Mandalay, Aloo hin, Aloo puri, Aloo puri with chutney, Ayo Olay Paya, Baya Jaw, Beansprouts pickle, Betha, Bhe, Bhedi-jin, Biriyani, Bne Byoni, Boiled peas, Cabbage salad, Chinese breadsticks, Chutney, Chutney dip, Claypots, Coconut rice, Crispfried noodles, Crispy paratha, Duck, Dunbaok, Ee-jah gway, Ee-jah gway stall, Fried chapati, Fried chapati with boiled peas, Fried eggs, Fried meat, Fried rice, Fried rice & biriyani, Fritters, Garnish, Hna Oo Hsaing, Htamin Jaw, Htun, Htun, Jet-oo Jaw, Khayun chinthee hin, Knao-swe, Kyaukse, Min Thiha, Mandalay, Mandalay Myanmar, Mandalay Meeshay, Meemalee, Mini ee-jah gway, Mohinga fish chowder, Myenigon, Myenigon Yangon, Nan-byar, Nan bread, Ngacheik paon, Noodles, Ohn Kyaw, Pagoda Meals4Monks Association, Palata a-joot, Paratha, Peas, Potato curry, Pun Thakin Cafe, Purple sticky rice, Rice Noodles, Samosa, Samosa with fresh mint & onions, Samusa salad, Takeaway plastic bag, Tea, Thxa Soe D J jay, To hpu jaw, Tofu fritter, Tomato curry, Tun Thit-sa Cafe, Urad dahl fritters, Wagaung, Yadanadipa Pagoda, Yangon, Youtiao

Reference Links:
Meemalee's Youtube
Meemalee's Blog
Meemalee's flickr photostream

Friday, 22 May 2009

Burmese Food Quote - Mango, Pork and Lahpet

Lahpet (Pickled Green Tea) Served in Lacquer Dish
[Photo by Wagaung, GNU Free Documentation Licence]

"Of all fruit, mango is the best, of all meat it's pork, and of all leaves it's lahpet"

Moe Thee Zun (May 20 2003). ""Laphet" Companies Contribute to Junta's Human Rights Violations". Mizzima News. link.

Burmese Restaurants Blog

Burmese Pearl [by Sir Gerald Kelly]


This blog will be about Burmese Food and Burmese Restaurants.